Passive Oil Diffusers

When it comes to diffusing essential oils, there are two main types of diffusers: active and passive. While active diffusers use electricity to disperse essential oils into the air, passive diffusers rely on natural methods to release the aroma of essential oils. Active vs. Passive Diffusers Active diffusers, such as ultrasonic diffusers and nebulizing diffusers, … Read more

Dahlias and Sgraffito Platter Sets

The garden is bursting at the seams with so many lush flowers and greenery, it really does provide some inspiration. Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on some slip cast porcelain platter and bowl sets. They have been decorated using sgraffito, “…produced by applying layers of plaster tinted in contrasting colours to a … Read more

Preparation for Ngāpeke Kākāriki Market

So excited to announce that Rebecca Boyce Creations will be a vendor at the Ngapeke Kākāriki Market – inaugural market on Sunday 19th December, in Tauranga Moana. The market is being hosted by the Ngapeke 7 Trust and is looking to create opportunities for locals around Welcome Bay and Tauranga Moana to sell their produce … Read more

Terracotta glaze firing

Unloaded the kiln today, was a bit apprehensive about what I was going to find when I opened the kiln door. I was pleasantly surprised with a majority of the pieces. What I am finding with the terracotta and the kiln is that I don’t have a firing programme that the clay likes. It is … Read more

Exhibition – We Won An Award

The exhibition titled “In my Mother’s House……and garden” was housed at Tauranga’s Historic Village. 106 pieces entered and four awards were up for grabs – Supreme, Merit x2 and First Time Exhibitor. Judged by fellow Bay Of Plenty Potter Andrew Killick aka the Laughing Potter in Waihi. Guess what??!! I got one of the Merit … Read more

Matariki 2021

Matariki celebration at Mauao Adventures with work from Tauranga Moana artists including us at Rebecca Boyce Creations. Thanks Porina and team for having us at your place  This is a great opportunity to get in and have a look at some local artists work and learn more about Matariki. For us at RBC it is pretty timely … Read more

FOMA – Huihuinga Wahine 2021

Early 2020, pre covid lockdown I was asked if I wanted to be part of the Federation of Maori Authorities (FOMA) Huihuinga Wahine 2020, showing my creations to the attendees of the event along with other NZ based creators. I leapt at the opportunity! Unfortunately covid put a damper on everything and the event was … Read more

Porcelain Bowls – Raw Fish Recipe

The Porcelain Bowls we have been making are ideal for a huge range of things. Here is a lil summer meal that we often have at home. Homemade meals in handcrafted tableware! Raw fish is a healthy and simple meal that can be prepared ahead of time, it can be a meal on it’s own … Read more

Kiln Unload 5th October 2020

Feels like it has been a while since I have written anything on the site, but it has only been four weeks.  So, here is a summary of all that’s ceramics that has been happening. Tuna (Eel) and Kokopu (species of whitebait) plates have been continuing.  I have been enjoying making texture in the surface and … Read more

Spring is here!! and Christmas is coming!!

1st of September has rolled around and there is spring in the air.  There has been a lot of activity in the gardens with forgotten bulbs popping up, vegetable seedlings bolting to seed, and the chickens being back to their egg laying best.  There has also been a lot of action on the ceramics front with … Read more